Kale Children's Library, Nairobi, Kenya

Kale Children's Library, Nairobi, Kenya
Kim and Toto with neighborhood kids in front of Kale Children's Library

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Toto and Kimi in front of YMCA, starting Biking for Books

We are on the road!

From Nairobi to Thika, Kimi already broke the sound barrier and today mmmmh lets see...

We started 2 days late because Kimi spent 3 days on airplanes to get to Nairobi. Five airports later, she finally arrived and then slept for the next 2 days.

Kimi's bicycle weighs about 100 pounds (American..lot's of stuff). Toto's weighs about half that (practical).

Today we are in Thika just north of Nairobi and will cycle into Central highlands where coffee and pineapple plantations.