Kale Children's Library, Nairobi, Kenya

Kale Children's Library, Nairobi, Kenya
Kim and Toto with neighborhood kids in front of Kale Children's Library

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Nairobi. I have a love/hate relationship with Nairobi. Riding a bicycle here is harrowing, but a 20 minute bike ride to Eastleigh in contrast can take 1 1/2 hours on a matatu (bus) because of congestion. I can ride through Westlands with its spacious homes, shaped shrubbery, and blooming flowers, or to Pimani, Eastleigh, Kibera, or Githerai where barely a tree or patch of green exists and the only color is the occasional bright Kanga worn by Kenyan women.

Space is at a premium in Nairobi.  There are rich neighborhoods such as Karen, where one family can share a huge house with outbuildings, horse barns, and colorful gardens. However, almost everyone I met lived in a room just big enough to put a bed, a table, and a chair. Even these items were so crowded that one could not actually walk through the room. More like scoot or slide within the 6 inch space between the furniture. In most instances, 2 or 3 people shared that small flat.

Nairobi is home of the Arts and talented Kenyans gather here to show off their skills. Within a 10 minute walk from the Central YMCA where I stay, are Alliance Francais, the Kenyan National Theater, and the Goethe Institute. Every week there are plays, dance performances, or free movies. My favorite is Alliance Francais, which has never dissapointed me. In July, I attended two comedies which were so funny that some of us were literally doubled over in laughter. Even more amazing was that one of the plays was performed by students from USIU,a private university in the area.

In Githerai, I visted The Doves soccer team with their coach Chege. The boys who received the donated shoes from the U.S. wore them proudly. The team was in the process of looking for a new area to play in because they had complaints from the church near their former playing field. Too much noise they said. It wasn't even during church hours! One neighborhood teen was actually arrested for tresspassing by the police because a church member was on the police force. Chege and his "boys" never give up and continue to practice and compete with neighboring teams in whatever space they can find that can pass as a soccer field.

The Doves

Kim and Toto at the Central YMCA in Nairobi before they began Biking for Books.

Handmade furniture sold on the streets of Nairobi, Limuru Road

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